this week, while loggin in into msn messenger, i got a message chat window from a contact on my list to open a photo archive being sent from her. everytime i would log in, by accident i clicked %26quot;accept file%26quot;. anyway, some people on my contact list now get this message from me saying to open the file, i warned them all about it. do you know what this stupid thing does to your computer and how to get rid of it? the bad thing is that it changes names, now it's called img
Does anyone know what msn messenger chat virus can do to your computer?
basically it just pisses people off im pretty sure it doesn't actually harm your computer but nevertheless its annoying
try to delete it by running an antivirus program
if you dont have 1 try AVG
it should pick up on it ..
if not im not sure what to do since ive never actually had the virus but its rediculous the amount of people who have it now its so annoying lol anyways good luck
Does anyone know what msn messenger chat virus can do to your computer?
get AVG for free ( is good)
run AVG it should quarantine it so you can delete.
then run AVG again and every day
good luck
most of these viruses will do nothing to your computer besides annoy your friends, they are just worms they are designed to spread to as many computers as they can.
Since there are so many types of these viruses I cant recommend how to get rid of it manually but I would think one of the %26quot;online viruses scans%26quot; should get rid of it for you. I would try
If that doesnt remove the virus you can add me to your messenger and send me the virus I can look at it and tell you how to remove it. My messenger id is
Some of them do nothing, most will open a connection with IRC so people can access your computer and execute comands such as downloading files, deleting files, sending files back to them, etc, etc other strains will just download adware and other spyware
for removal see