Friday, 16 September 2011

More dumbness from a dumb man.Please copy and paste unless you have no clue of how to use your computer?

1.Panties,undies or commando?

2.Campfire,wildfire or just fired?

3.Is %26quot;Beanerita%26quot; an insult or a name?

4.Do people talking in their sleep creep you out and keep you awake?

5.Why did Mrs.H change to %26quot;high on crack Snoopy%26quot;?

6.Does your screen name fit you?

7.I just farted...happy for me?

8.If black is black,and white is white,and the line between them was never more real,would you be scared into eating your beans at every meal?

9.Crapper..Actual name of a toilet inventor,or just a putzy name to make fun of?

10.I saw an old ad,%26quot;I'd walk a mile for a Camel%26quot;..after a pack,do you really think you could walk a mile?

11.Why don't comic book superheros discuss gay marrage? Please tell me they don't!

Ehh,more idiocy later
More dumbness from a dumb man.Please copy and paste unless you have no clue of how to use your computer?
Wow! What do you know...I do know how to drive this beast after

1.Panties,undies or commando? What category does a thong fall in? Semi commando?

2.Campfire,wildfire or just fired? Campfire, I like my heat to be controlled to a degree.

3.Is %26quot;Beanerita%26quot; an insult or a name? Um a cute name, my little Beanerita.

4.Do people talking in their sleep creep you out and keep you awake? Not an issue for me so don't know.

5.Why did Mrs.H change to %26quot;high on crack Snoopy%26quot;? You have to ask?

6.Does your screen name fit you? Yep!!

7.I just farted...happy for me? Ecstatic, better out then in!

8.If black is black,and white is white,and the line between them was never more real,would you be scared into eating your beans at every meal? Yes, definitely!

9.Crapper..Actual name of a toilet inventor,or just a putzy name to make fun of? Actual name of the guy, hey you watch the Nat Geo channel too?

10.I saw an old ad,%26quot;I'd walk a mile for a Camel%26quot;..after a pack,do you really think you could walk a mile? Lol no!

11.Why don't comic book superheros discuss gay marrage? Please tell me they don't! I think Robin hinted at it once but Batman played stupid and changed the subject.

Ehh,more idiocy later. Excellent I'll be waiting on the edge on my seat!

More dumbness from a dumb man.Please copy and paste unless you have no clue of how to use your computer?

2.FIRED ahahahah

4.Nope they could say something funny.

5.HAHA i have no idea tell me haha

7.OMG i can smell it from here.

smells nice:)

8.Extremely scared.



Ehh,more idiocy later
These questions are unusual, yet they make no sense.

Anyway, good job.
1.Panties,undies or commando?--can't decide

2.Campfire,wildfire or just fired?--just fired

3.Is %26quot;Beanerita%26quot; an insult or a name?--hmmm

4.Do people talking in their sleep creep you out and keep you awake?--sometimes,lol

5.Why did Mrs.H change to %26quot;high on crack Snoopy%26quot;?--hahahahaha, your fault, you said I looked too serious

6.Does your screen name fit you?--yep and nope, not married at moment

7.I just farted...happy for me?--sure, the pains all gone now,right?

8.If black is black,and white is white,and the line between them was never more real,would you be scared into eating your beans at every meal?--What?! lol

9.Crapper..Actual name of a toilet inventor,or just a putzy name to make fun of?--putzy name, he didn't invent the toilet

10.I saw an old ad,%26quot;I'd walk a mile for a Camel%26quot;..after a pack,do you really think you could walk a mile?--Hell no, just the smoke would do me in

11.Why don't comic book superheros discuss gay marrage? Please tell me they don't!--They don't. Never saw Superman and Spiderman hugging

Ehh,more idiocy later--too easy,lol

And for your info this is Snoopy making fun of people through a car window,lol. Betting on how long before I change back? ;)

Edit- It just occured to me if I change back to my other pic your question will make no sense!
1.Panties,undies or commando? undies

2.Campfire,wildfire or just fired? campfire

3.Is %26quot;Beanerita%26quot; an insult or a name? I don't know

4.Do people talking in their sleep creep you out and keep you awake? creep me out

5.Why did Mrs.H change to %26quot;high on crack Snoopy%26quot;? I don't know

6.Does your screen name fit you? Yes

7.I just farted...happy for me?Quite

8.If black is black,and white is white,and the line between them was never more real,would you be scared into eating your beans at every meal? I like beans, so sure

9.Crapper..Actual name of a toilet inventor,or just a putzy name to make fun of? Putzy name

10.I saw an old ad,%26quot;I'd walk a mile for a Camel%26quot;..after a pack,do you really think you could walk a mile? Doubt it

11.Why don't comic book superheros discuss gay marrage? Please tell me they don't! I don't read comic books,so I am not sure

1.Panties,undies or commando? panties

2.Campfire,wildfire or just fired? campfire.. but fired is more realistic.

3.Is %26quot;Beanerita%26quot; an insult or a name? haha i havent heard that one..

4.Do people talking in their sleep creep you out and keep you awake? yes but i laugh at them and fall back to sleep so its okay.

5.Why did Mrs.H change to %26quot;high on crack Snoopy%26quot;? ...

6.Does your screen name fit you? yes.. one of my many personalities.

7.I just farted...happy for me? maybe i did too? maybe i am happy?

8.If black is black,and white is white,and the line between them was never more real,would you be scared into eating your beans at every meal? omg i love this

9.Crapper..Actual name of a toilet inventor,or just a putzy name to make fun of? toilet..

10.I saw an old ad,%26quot;I'd walk a mile for a Camel%26quot;..after a pack,do you really think you could walk a mile? poor idiots..

11.Why don't comic book superheros discuss gay marrage? Please tell me they don't! hmm.. because kids read them and theyll play house with two dads and im not ready to see that yet.
1. undies

2. campfire

3. neither

4.keep me awake

5. who knows?

6. yes

7. feel sorry for you. .sounds like you're already a stinker


9. Thomas Crapper--some say he did invent and others say he didn't., so..that one is unsolved..

10. yes

11. Because back when they first come out, you never heard any talk about anyone being gay...Today, it is just as common as breathing..

P.S. Dear Mr. Nasty, I didn't copy and paste because I didn't want to, and YES, I know how...
yore not dumb yore just full of nuts with a good lookin' body fit as a fiddle, how does that grab ya'
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