Friday, 16 September 2011

Why do people kill themselves over cyber-bullying, how can it be that bad?

How can it be that bad? Couldn't you just turn off your computer? Block the person from texting you? If you know the person its even easier. Confront them, get an adult involved. Move, change your name. See a psychiatrist!!! Anything's better than suicide. How can people take it so seriously? Cyberbullying is so easy to stop. Contact the website where you're being bullied, have them delete the bully's account. Can someone please explain?
Why do people kill themselves over cyber-bullying, how can it be that bad?
That was funny. %26quot;Turn off your computer%26quot;.

Well I think people invest their emotions in the connections made online. And if someone is prone to being bullied, it's because they have issues themselves, and are sensitive, and do care about what that other person is saying. It's not a game, it's real-time, and, especially to a young kid, it can be humiliating and bad enough to push them over the edge, especially if they were already close to it.
Why do people kill themselves over cyber-bullying, how can it be that bad?
Sometimes, the person engages in cyber activity of that caliber because they're bored and have low self esteem. They could also have an Internet addiction where they can't turn the computer off.

Sometimes the person may not blend in well at school and therefore seek approval from the Internet. So when people bully them online, their low self esteem combined with being bullied is too much for them.

But yea I agree with you. Cyber bullying can be rough but not where someone should kill them self over it.
bullying is really traumatizing to a person

and if a person is really sensetive they can end up killing themselves cause they cant deal with the pain

like u can think of stuff they should do but at the time the person really doesn't see any other way out
They were probably going to kill themselves anyway.

When I kill myself, I want to blame it on some random assholes too, even if it had little to do with them.
because people are human and words hurt no matter what form. I think sometimes idiots/bully's forget that people are the same as them and feel things.

some person a bully could be bullying might of been sexually or physically abused at home and might not be able to get help or take the extra harassment then might commit suicide. ever think of that. i bet nobody does, seriously.