You know you're a 90's kid if...
You've ever ended a sentence with the word %26quot;PSYCHE!%26quot;
You can sing the rap to %26quot;The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air%26quot;
You've worn skorts and felt stylish
You yearned to be part of the Baby-Sitters club
You use to love playing with your MY Little Pet Shop
You know that %26quot;WHOA%26quot; comes from Joey from %26quot;Blossom%26quot; and that %26quot;How Rude!%26quot; comes from Stephanie from %26quot;Full House%26quot;
You remember when it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons.
You wore a ponytail on the side of your head and had fluffed bangs
You got super excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class at school.
You wanted to change your name to %26quot;JEM%26quot; in kindergarten
You remember reading %26quot;Goosebumps%26quot;
You know the profound meaning of %26quot;Wax on, wax off%26quot;
You have pondered why Smurfette was the only female smurf.
You took plastic cartoon lunch boxes to school.
You remember the craze then the banning of slap bracelets and slam books.
You know your a 90's kid when......?
Below is the Fresh Prince song all by heart!
You know your a 90's kid when......?
so true haha.
a lot are true. sigh* i never thought i was so predictable...
And what about the New Kids, hmmmm?
OMG i'm an official 90's kid...move over you 80's losers.
omg, I miss all of those things... such good times
omg im a 90's baby!
80's babies and 00's babies BOW DOWN!!!!!
we are the %26quot;it%26quot; ones now!
I guess I'm a 90's kid.... Wow. These brought back a lot of memories...and a few laughs!
haha i did a report on the 90s a couple of years ago. i am totally a 90s kid...i made a checklist of all those things you said and handed it out to the class. yay 90s
i watched the 3 ninjas the other night,
laughed my BUTT off,
it was amazing,
my favourite movie of the 90's hands down.
i miss that decade,
2000 is just so... mainstream ?
thats brings back alot of memories.....i guess u can say i grew up in the 90's
HOLY ****!!! this brought back LOTS AND LOTS of memories!! wow i miss the good ol days! pogs.. classic!
SO true, HAHA
ha HA no kidding....
I don't even turn my tv on anymore...*sigh* I miss the 90' more ways then one.
I would say if you have half of these or more. =)
..fallen and can't get up..hehe..always forget who it was though.
Yeah, you're right...
You knew that Sylvester would never beat Tweety, Daffy would never beat Bugs, and Wiley the Coyote would never beat the Roadrunner...
If you actually remember the word %26quot;shav%26quot;
i read through it all and found i have 14 things on that list i deserve 10 points
all of this would make you a kid of the 80's not 90's
omg did u get that off of myspace??
Yeah those things r true! I was born in 1992, and I remember some of those things.
OMG I miss the 90s so much! This made me really sad when I read it =[
Those days are so much better than the present. Kids had more fun then I think.
lolz are you afraid of the dark used to scare da crap outta me... tsk tsk shameful julie, shameful... ooh but i love my little pony!! they're soo cute!!! But isn't tommy the white ranger? or is that only in the new version???