Sunday, 5 June 2011

How do you change the name of which your computer is registered?

I want to know how can the name of which the computer is registered be changed.This name is the Authors name for all microsoft word documents.I want to change it.How??|||This name is set in the initial installation, and is stored in the registry. You can change it by running %26quot;regedit%26quot;, and looking for the following key:




\Windows NT

\Current Version

\Registered Owner|||yo how do u run %26#039;regedit%26#039;

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|||You can change that from the %26quot;options%26quot; in the Tool menu. But this is specific for word only. This is not applicable for other applications|||start %26gt; settings %26gt; control panel

Then double click on system, select tab %26quot;computer name%26quot;|||In the property panel of MyComputer, click the name button and change to the new one. Hope it%26#039;s clear enough.|||Hi

Oh My Dear

it is very easy

if you change authors in Ms-word

please open ms-word program and go to tools=%26gt; option=%26gt; user information =%26gt; change name Authors

And exit and Re Open Word

For see result go to File=%26gt; propertise

for more information my id is=mj_professional

good luck
